Grandparents. They’re pretty special right? I mean we wouldn’t even be here without them let alone our own children. They get all the best bits of our kids and they can hand them back to us with that knowing look on their face. Payback maybe? Either way I guess the’ve earned the privilege.
These cool grandparents go one step further than the rest by having a penthouse on the river! So a sleepover at Granny and Grandads is pretty fun. I felt like asking if I could have a sleepover to enjoy those views in the morning. The funny thing is I don’t thinkI would have been refused. These guys were so incredibly lovely and funny to boot.
We started off inside and then moved to the fab Peninsula Ecology Park (which you should all visit) Along the way we stopped for a little poke around the beach. We used to live here a couple of years ago actually and I miss this place terribly.
Anyway, enough from me take a look at the photos and get in touch when you’re ready to book. My number os 07793053318 and email is