“Someday, I want them to see me, documented, sitting right there beside them: me, the woman who gave birth to them, whom they can thank for their ample thighs and their pretty hair; me, the woman who nursed them all for the first years of their lives, enduring porn star-sized boobs and leaking through her shirts for months on end; me, who ran around gathering snacks to be the week’s parent reader or planning the class Valentine’s Day party; me, who cried when I dropped them off at preschool, breathed in the smell of their post-bath hair when I read them bedtime stories, and defied speeding laws when I had to rush them to the pediatric ER in the middle of the night”
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas.
If you read my homepage or about me section you’ll see that my whole reason for choosing family photography as a career is simple. It’s because I know, with all my heart, how important it is for parents to be in the picture with their children but how little it happens.
Dads – this is the perfect chance to give your partner a gift to treasure for years to come.
Mums – just treat yourself. Or feel free to forward this on to your other half!
Maybe you’re pregnant for the first or fifth time and you want to record, with pictures, how amazing you are for going through all this! 😉
Maybe you have a baby or toddler who brings you so much joy and sleeplessness you don’t know if you’re coming or going… but they’re growing so fast and they keep trying to eat your iPhone when you try to take a picture of them!
Maybe you have older children who are too cool to tell you they love you every second of the day, like they did when they were four. That’s ok, I’ll get you all laughing and smiling and you can let the pictures tell the story!
Or maybe you want pictures with your own Mum. Maybe you feel like you don’t have enough of you two together when you were young so you want to make up for it now. That’s an awesome idea!
We’re all children on Mother’s Day
So, go on, treat your wife or mother this Mother’s Day. Give them the gift of timeless photographs that can be passed down to generations to come. We can create stunning images in your home or at a location of your choice. To purchase your gift voucher just use the booking form above or email me at contact@andreawhelan.com, alternatively just call me on 0793053318 to find out more.
You can view more recent sessions here
Use this handy form to get in touch, purchase your gift voucher or book your session. I can’t wait to hear from you!