Practicing what I preach...

So here I am. Taking my own advice. Practicing what I preach. Getting in the photos. Getting my family in the photos. That was no mean feat I’ll have you know. It was a last minute kind of thing, I messaged them all on Facebook a few days before, roped in a friend to take the shots, a ladder for him to stand on precariously whilst most of our children stood behind causing havoc. Well not all our children, my mums children are here… in the photos with her.   My Mother’s Day gift to her. Which I’ll be honest felt a little like a chore for all of us in the lead up to it. Naturally we all woke up not feeling like getting in front of the camera. I felt like I’d put on two stone over night, my body ached from the cold that was about to kick in that evening. This is the reality folks. It’s not always, in fact, it’s rarely plain sailing before a shoot. However, having said that, once we start and get into the swing of things it’s actually pretty fun. As you can tell from the photos below, we laughed a lot! No, they’re not perfect. Though neither are we so that’s fine.

This is a big part of my WHY, which you can read about by clicking this link. 

My Mother’s Day gift cards are £159, find out more here

See some family sessions that I actually took here


Before that enjoy these hilarious shots of us trying to look cool

Book your session now

15 + 10 =