So it’s been a while since I blogged. Have you missed me? I’ve sure missed you! I’m hanging out on Instagram more and more these days and whilst that’s lovely I seem to have neglected my website somewhat. If you don’t already then do follow me as you’re sure to get the most recent shots on there. Oh and Insta stories, I’ve been known to share a story or two.
Anyway, I headed to South West London last week to meet these gorgeous guys below. It was really lovely. The weather was shining, I had my Spotify playlist blaring and the windows were down as it was HOT HOT HOT. I bloody love the warm weather these days. I’ve even moved my editing station (my iMac and my slippers) into the living room so I can be close to the patio doors. It’s a temporary set up but much needed having spent the winter editing in my windowless office. I don’t know about you but working from home, on your own, in your pyjamas with no daylight is not conducive to feeling amazing! So with this temp move now I have to get dressed (my neighbours appreciate that part) and I get to look out into the lovely garden with the lovely daylight and the odd spot of sunshine. It’s AMAZING!
I digress, so where was I? oh yes I’m driving in my car to meet this family. It was a very chilled, fun session with me pulling my best moves to get those smiles. It’s a sight to behold, I’ve said this before I know but I don’t think you understand what I have to go through. They put me through my paces, and that’s just the Dads. On a serious note I am naturally carefree so it’s actually pretty easy. This is one of the things that clients tell me in the very generous reviews they leave, apparently I put everyone at ease, do the best high pitched ‘peek-a boo’ and am pleased enough to have people laughing at me and not actually with me. Anything for the art darlings.
If you’ve read this far well done, I’m typing this quickly as my boys wrestle each other in and out of various rooms so I can’t vouch for the sense it makes.
If you’d like to invite me to sing terribly at your children to make them laugh then go ahead and contact me using the form at the end of this page. If you need a bit more convincing then have a look at the other family sessions, check out my google reviews or even give me a call.
I can’t wait to meet you!
Say hello, don’t be a stranger!