Fathers Day (or any of those kind of days) – you know those people that are organised with a present ready weeks in advance? I’m not one of them.
Fathers Day on Sunday, our friends birthday the Saturday night before… it was never going to be ideal was it?! (from his pov!)
Myself and the kids bought him a great card in M&S and a really cool present – did you know it’s the Walnut Whips 50th birthday? 😉 My friend recieved a present that was just as great. A can of Gin and Tonic. Did you know it was International Gin Day last Saturday? She was delighted…I’m sure of it. So for my friends birthday we all went to the brilliant little comedy club in Greenwich ‘Up the Creek’ to celebrate her birthday. Comedy was great and cheesy disco was every bit as cheesy as it promised it would be!
Fast forward to the next morning and the boys must have felt sorry for us as they played nicely in their room for about hour after they woke up. Ok, ok it was on the Playstation… you do what you have to do!
After opening his present … that is my youngest boy opening it for him by slinging it at him while he was asleep. I decided we all needed some fresh air. “We’re off to the beach” were words my husband did not want to hear that morning. After some coaxing and explaining that today is a day for spending quality time as a family, he gave in, I mean he was well up for it!
I think he was glad he did in the end… the day involved a lot of throwing stones at Winchelsea Beach, watching the dog trying to eat the waves, watching the dog bark at the waves, watching the boys get chased by the waves and losing, watching the other dog getting his hair brushed and feeling like we were in a ‘hair storm’ because the wind was blowing the wrong way, driving to the next beach at Littlestone, taking exactly 47381779 pictures get exactly 0 good ones of us all as a family, stopping for fish and chips, ignoring the sand in our polystyrene cups as we drank our lemonade, watching the dog sit still in case we dropped a chip, watching the crazy tourists paddling in the ice cold sea, driving to Dungeness and feeling like we were in another world, exploring each and every wreck that graces the stones down there, watching the dog run off for miles to find the beach, having a Crabbies ginger beer in the pub and then hitting the road back home in time for bed.
Who wouldn’t love that Father’s Day?