Frequently Asked Questions

You may have lots of questions, they may be answered here! If they're not you can use the contact form below.
How does it work?
My style of photography makes the most of natural light, your home environment and outdoor spaces. Before your session we’ll discuss perfect locations, most families choose to split the session in two, starting at home and then moving to a local park or area close by. My sessions are unscripted and mostly undirected, each photo session evolves organically and I take my lead from the children. I tend to leave my camera in my bag to get to know your family first, a tour of the house is good way to ease into it. 2 hours later parents usually tell me they had fun (of course!) and the children have usually made a new best friend!
How do I book?

Just give me a call, text or email. Let me know when you’d like to have the session and I’ll send you my available dates. Once we’ve agreed on a date, I’ll send the booking form and payment details. The full session fee is payable in order to secure your chosen date.

Would you look at that, here’s a handy form for you get in touch…

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’I%26#039;m interested in booking a session…’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

How should we prepare our children before the session?

Great question! I find it’s useful for you to talk to them and let them know exactly what is going to happen. Explain how it’s going to be so much fun (it is!), talk them through step by step what to expect so they’re mentally prepared. My style is definitely more observational as opposed to posed so if you have favourite games that you like to play or you know what really get your children laughing then by all means employ every technique on the day! Whatever you do, don’t discipline them for not smiling or cooperating. Leave it to me to make it lots of fun on the day!

What should we wear?

Your session is not all about the clothes, but what you wear can transform your portraits from great to perfect! So you’ll want to put some thought into it. Think about where we’ll be shooting, you’ll want your outfits to complement the surroundings. Take inspiration from the location and the season! I find neutral colours work well for timeless elegance. Whilst a rich pop of colour can add an interesting dimension. When you start layering different textures you’re on to a winner! A denim jacket over a soft cotton dress, a chunky knitted scarf with a blouse and jeans. A linen top with a statement neck piece. Feel free to send me some phone snaps of your potential outfits, I’m here to help!  TOP TIPS

  • Think classic
  • Layers are your friend
  • Be inspired by your home decor or shoot location
  • Avoid logos and cartoon characters
  • Create movement with flowing scarves or dresses
  • Textures create interest

If you still looking for ideas, why not check out my Pinterest Board by clicking the image below. Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 22.43.01    

What happens if it rains?
Living in London, it happens! I’m not at all worried about the rain. We can stay inside, visit some cool locations that have cover or if it’s really stormy weather we can reschedule. I much prefer to chance and rainy photos can be just as beautiful. Think of all the accessories – hats, brollies and wellies!
What if my child is ill on the day?

As a Mum to two boys I am more than aware that you can’t plan illnesses to arrive at a suitable time! just let me know as soon as you can so we can reschedule. It’s best if everyone is on top form for the session so I’m happy to reschedule.

Should I bring anything with me?

Snacks, snacks and more snacks! So important to keep kids going during the two hour session. I’m happy to take breaks for snacks, it’s hard work being a model!

Can you fix blemishes?
Yes I can, it’s all part of the service to fix small scratches and spots. More intricate editing can be done on request and is charged by the hour.

Got more questions?

Drop me a line…

11 + 6 =