A gifted family photography session doesn’t get much better than this! I’m the luckiest person in the world when it comes to clients. I get the best ones. The ones are happy to go with the flow and see how it unfolds. Most of them are creatives themselves so trust in that out of nothing can come something amazing. I don’t arrive to shoots with a set idea of how things will go because I know your family is different. Your family is unique, your home is too so the results will not be like any other. South London Lifestyle Family Photography

The lovely family featured below were moving home and their parents gifted them a photography session in what was soon going to be their ‘first family home in London’. The home where they brought their children into the world. The memories wrapped in those four walls will be treasured forever. That’s why I love to photograph families in their home. When the children grow up, they’ll have photographs that jog untold memories of their first ever home. 

Keep scrolling to see the fun we had. We even did a murder scene. Come on, that’s as much weird as it is brilliant and I love them for suggesting it! What unusual family portrait would you suggest during your session?

London Family Photographer London Family photographer Siblings playing on bed Family photo at home Black and white photography london black and white family portrait Black and white lifestyle photography Fun family portraits Family portraits at home Black and White portraits fun family portraits Fun family portrait ideas relaxed family portrait ideas

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