Launch Day Giveaway
By now you’ll have had a good look round my new home on the internet. If not then please do, I’d love to hear what you think. You can find out a bit more about me, find out what I’ve been up to recently and find out more about how it works in the frequently asked questions section. I love it here and I hope you do too. If you have any suggestions for me or just want to tell me how much you love it too then please feel free to drop me a line, using the comments section below.
Let’s party!
Pop your coat over there, Oh! I love your outfit – did you get dressed up for us?! fancy a drink? Before you start to throw some shapes on the dance floor and forget the reason you were here, you’ll want to scroll down to find out how to WIN STUFF.

Win a 1:1 beginners photography mentoring session worth £159
How to enter
- All you have to do is leave a comment on this page: the comments section is below. Tell me which prize you’d like to win and why.
- Enter your details here: a Rafflecopter giveaway to complete you entry and input your details so you can be notified if you win.
That’s it! The winner will be chosen at random on 26th March. Good luck to all of you. While you’re here, why not have another look around and view my portfolio by clicking below.

Here is where you can post your comment for the competition or you could just say hello… Either way, I’m delighted you stopped by!
I would love to win the photo shoot!! Always want andrea to take some picture of my lovely “little” family!!
Your website is beautiful. Ive just finished a photograpthy course but would love to go on more and gain more knowledge and practice. I would be thrilled to win one of your giveaway prizes. Im keeping everything crossed ☺
The photos you take are beautiful. I would love to win a family session as we never have all 3 of us in a photo! Crossed fingers X
Hi Andrea,
Love the website, the stunning images against that subtle background just make it special. As a web designer I know the work and effort that goes into a new site and the hardest part – knowing when to stop tweaking it!
I’d love to win the family photosession for my wife and I.
Love the website – easy to browse, always loved your photos and would love to win a family shoot! Xx
I would love the family session! Site looks fab!
I’d love to win the family session. Your photos are amazing. They really capture movement and family interaction. Also I’d love to be in the photos for a change!
We would really love to win the family portrait photography session because your photos are amazing- you really capture the natural beauty in every scene and every photo tells a story. We would absolutely love to have a family portrait in Greenwich as a memory of where life as a family began for us 🙂
I’ve been following you, Andrea, on Charlton Mummies for ages. Your photos are just amazing, you are very talented. I would love to win this photo session as since I had my second daughter we never had photo done as a family and it will be the perfect gift for our “hopefully” first home
Hi Andrea. Beautiful website and beautiful images! I’d love to win the photo shoot as I have NO nice group shots of my family. My husband and both my children have Adhd and my eldest is also autistic. So they rarely stay still and all hate having pictures taken. I’d love to see if you could work your magic on my manic family!
Loving the new website Andrea 🙂
Andrea, it’s totally stunning! I love it! Big gold star to you 🙂
I would love love love to win the family photography session for no other reason than to capture the little moments that are usually stored somewhere deep in my memory that I fear will one day be lost. Sofia is already at school and Luca will be starting nursery soon so we’re fast approaching the next phase. I’d love to capture their end of an era/new beginnings – please Rafflecopter, pick me! *squints eyes and crosses fingers*
Hello, love the new website. We had a session with you last year and you took the best picture of my family that I have. I would love another one and would love to win the photo session (fingers crossed!) Ale
Hey Andrea, I love the new website, brilliant. And I would so love to win the family photo shoot with you. You took fantastic Evie bump photographs for us, and then a family of 3 photo session on Evie’s 1st birthday all of which we loved so much we bought the lot! We are now a family of 4 with 2 beautiful girls and it would be awesome to have some Andrea photos of our expanded family. Xxxxx
I love the new site – you’ve done an amazing job. The photos are breathtaking as always! I would love to win the mentoring session as I think your captures are incredible and I would love to see how you go about making them! It would be an honour to spend some time with you.
Dear Andrea, your work is amazing! I have been following your sessions for a while and imagined our family on those locations! What a generous competition and wonderful opportunity to be part of photography art! We would like to win a photo session for a family. Well done with great website page!
Absolutely love the new website: clean, fresh and fun, very you!!!! Congrats xxxx
Hi, I would love to win the photography session as there are never enough hours in the day to take pictures of my 3 gorgeous children (and the pics you take are fab!!) Xx
Hi Andrea,
Congratulations. The new website is really beautiful. Exceptionally easy to navigate your way around as well, making it an easy, enjoyable user experience.
Ok, so I would LOVE to win your family shoot.
Your images are just glorious and I treasure every photo you have taken of my children over the past three years.
We have just moved house and we are in the process of a long, labour intensive renovation. The bambinos are growing by the day and I would absolutely love to capture images of them in 2016 and have them taken in our new house – when/if it is ever ready! You are an absolutely joy to work with and my kids think you’re great! (Us Mummy’s do too actually) x
Beautiful new website! Well done – I am sure it represents a lot of extra work on your part! I would love to win the family package because you’ve ALREADY taken my photos and I am so very pleased with them! And as we won’t be in London forever, we’d love to be able to capture family photos of us in our ‘adopted hometown’. 🙂
hello! i’d love to win the family shoot, our family has a brand new arrival and we are now four. lovely website and photos!
I would love to win the photo session as we are moving to Norway and a lifestyle family shoot in Greenwixh park would be an amazing memory – also as we don’t have a picture of our family all together.
I’d love to win the family photo session. I struggle to get good photos of my little monkeys and am rarely in the photos when I do. I would love some nice natural looking photos of all of us together as a family. xx
We are a new family and would love the photo session, or the knowledge to take better pictures ourselves! Love the website.
Hi Andrea, Iove your style and I live your work. I would love to win a family photography session with my little babas as I always adore how you capture those precious moments. Either I win or not I wish you the best of luck! And yes…your new website is brilliant! xxx
So it’s become clear that my other half struggles to take pix… At the home birth he was so obsessed with not getting my boob in shot that he cut off half the baby (although he didn’t seem to notice the socking great bag of poo in the background).
Since then things haven’t improved much and there is now A Great Photographic Imbalance. This means I have thousands of pictures of him looking noble and paternal with child (who looks winsome)…. And my claim to fame is 4 sweaty birth pictures where some questionable body waste is the star of the show and I have a baby with half a cheek. To somewhat redress the balance, I would love just a few pictures of us all where we actually all look human (or at least one where we have all our body parts and no excrement in shot)… Your website is cracking also. Thank you.
What stunning photos…
I’m (secretly!) just pregnant with my second baby and I would love to win the photoshoot to capture the wonderfulness that has been the last 18 months as a family of three. I’m excited to move on to the next stage in our family life, but I’d love something to remember how magical the last year and a half has been too. Hoping I get picked : )
I would LOVE to win the family photo session! I took one of your fab classes last year and have been coveting a family shoot with you ever since – no other family photographer compares!
We don’t have any great photos of the three of us together, always my husband or I with our son in photos and the other taking the shot. It would be wonderful to have some really special ones taken in Greenwich before we leave this beautiful part of London.
Fingers and toes crossed!
Your website is very professional and easy to navigate around. And your pictures look STUNNING. I’d love to win a family portrait prize please. Thank you.
Woow, what a beautiful website, clean and fresh. Love it! Three weeks ago we’ve moved from Belgium to Greenwich with our two young boys, looking for some adventure. I would love to capture this moment, with a photoshoot from our family. To show our family back home the place we’ve fallen in love with. On top of that, my youngest one has the most incredible blue eyes, everybody tells us. Perfect for stunning pictures ;-).
If it was for myself, I would be happy to learn more about photography, since I’m writing a blog about our adventure, and pictures could be better, especially after seeing this website.
Good luck anyway with your business!
My wife did a course with you recently and was so pleased with the results and raves about your photography. We and she in particular would love to win your prize!
Hi Andrea, Well done on your new website, some absolutely stunning photos! Would love to win a family session, why? Just so I can see you make Darren smile again! (You know how hard that is! ;))
Gorgeous website! I would love to win a photo shoot with you because Caspar still talks about “Anderea” chasing monsters in the petals and our photos are magical! Crossing everything! 😊 Xx
I must admit I saw your competition and thought ‘oh I don’t want to win a cheesy family photo shoot’ but then I looked at your portfolio and realised that the images are fantastic, full of warmth and honesty… The opposite of the usual fayre.
So yes, I stand corrected. I’d really like to win please. Fingers crossed.
I would really love to win a photo shot to take some picture of my new baby and family. It’s been a really tough pregnancy and another baby I’ve had premature so some lovely memories to keep would be nice. Thank you
What a lovely new website……beautiful photos that look like they capture the families and the love, fun and adventures that they have together.
Would love to have a family photo session…..our babes r growing far too quickly and although I take loads of photos, we r never all in together…..our selfies don’t really do justice!!
Love to win….but equally been good to just view the website and remember it for a rainy day before everyone is too old to want to be in a photo with mum and dad!! Good luck with website….fab!
Your portfolio is stunning! I would love to win so I can have images of my tiny family to treasure. I have a great camera that I don’t know how to use properly. These years go by so quick, the boys change day to day, I want these special moments to be captured!
Lovely website! I would love to win the 1:1 session so that I can learn how to take better pictures of my boys! Good luck with your business launch.
Hi Andrea,
Your new website is soooo stunning and elegant.- That is the two world what are first come up my mind while I was looking around here. –
I felt confortable too as your pictures are relaxed and represent natural emotions and relationship. I would be honoured if I win the 1-2-1 mentoring session as I really adore your work!
Love the new site! I’d love to win a Lifestyle Family Photography Session: your photos are amazing!
I’ve been following you on facebook for quite a while because I love love the picture you capture! Never came around to book a session yet that’s why I’d love to win the family session!
Awesome new site – very clear, clean and beautiful.
Andrea, I love your website! I tried to book onto one of your photography courses last year when I was on maternity leave but unfortunately they were sold out. We would love to win the family lifestyle photography session to mark our daughter’s forthcoming first birthday.
I would love to win the 1:1 mentoring session so that I can get to know my camera better and learn new skills, which I would put to use by taking lots of photos of my baby daughter!
My husband is a Nikon man and I am a Cannon lady….it’s one if the first conversation points we shared when we first met 4 years ago. He loves taking pictures of architecture and landscapes, and I am the one who takes and composes all the people shots!
We were blessed to have twins in October 2015; a beautiful baby girl and boy! So now we’re a little stuck, as he openly admits to wanting to get better at capturing family moments as the twins develop and grow! But he struggles with composing flattering and interesting people shots.
Time is flying by and the twins are changing every day. I know he has it in him to discover in people the talent he has for photographing other subjects. I had in mind that a coaching session could be an ideal solution, then found your blog and beautiful pictures! So I would love to ‘win’ and gift him the 1 to 1 because it would be something he’d cherish and I am sure our babies would be very grateful of as they grow older!
Thanks for considering our entry and good luck with the site.
Beautiful website! I would be over the moon with the family session. We had some photos taken of our eldest but in classic second child style none of our youngest and we have none of us as a family. Time is passing so quickly it would be wonderful to capture it before it slips through our fingers.
I love the easy flow navigating design of your new webpage. It shows your wonderful shoots in such an elegant way.
We’d love to win a family session, we still don’t have a photo of the 3 of us and I feel so bad about this, I think we are missing such a precious moments of our new life as a family 🙁
Brilliant new website! We would love to win a family photography session!
Hi Andrea, I am loving the new website! Elegant, easy to navigate and your lovely personality is shining through. The photos are beautiful and I can’t tell you how excited I am to see a couple from our family photo shoot last year! Yeah, we made the cut!! We all enjoyed ourselves so much on the shoot and I would love to win a family photo session as the boys are changing so quickly and it’s nice to have pictures of all four of us together!
Love your website and loved your photography course recently. Would love to win a family photoshoot, and hoping to have it done later this year after baby no3 arrives!
Hi Andrea, love your new website, such beautiful work!! Would love to win the family shoot 🙂
I would love to win for my friend who lives in London, herself and her family deserve a fantastic treat that a family shoot would be!
I would love to Win a lifestyle family photography session and digital images worth £798
as with a new granddaughter and ever growing family it would be great to get a fantastic family photo of everyone
it would be a real treat and something to treasure for ever x
I would love to win a family session. I’d really love some gorgeous photos of my daughters
Love the new website design Andrea! Super sleek and nice to use, well done.
Please enter me in the draw for the photography mentoring as I’d love to understand how to better capture my kids in my own photos. Many thanks and good luck with the launch. Delaine
Hi Andrea, I would love to win a family shoot as last time we had professional photos done was too long ago to remember and I have a son too close to 16 to bear thinking about. I love your website, and I still love your photos. Veronica
The website looks fantastic Andrea and captures your talent beautifully. Well done!
Clara is fast approaching one and we would absolutely LOVE to win the family photo shoot to mark this milestone and to remember all the love, happiness and sleep deprivation from the past year!
Good luck with the launch x
Your photos are stunning and truly capture the essence of family life! Either prize would be amazing, but a photography session with our three cherubs would be wonderful 😊
I would love to win the photo shoot. I adore your work and, as a keen amateur photographer, I’m constantly taking photos of my family but I’m never in them. It would be so special for my children to have beautiful, timeless photos with their mum to cherish for years to come 🙂
The new website showcases your work beautifully! I’ve admired your style for a while and would love you to photograph my family
I would love to win a family session – I have tons of pictures of my 3 boys with their dad but none with me at all. Your pictures are so beautiful and your new web site looks amazing
You take amazing photos. I would love to win the photo shoot as most of my photos of myself and my daughter are selfies. I would love something a bit more spontaneous and natural of the two of us.
The website is great! I’d love to win as I would really love some decent, lasting shots of my family. My children, and their personalities, are changing everyday, they’re growing up in front of me! Although my husband and I try to capture the moments, I never feel we do it well.
Hi Andrea, love your new website, it’s brilliant, well done. Please can I enter your competition to tr and win the family portrait session. My children are 5 and 8 and I only have 1 photo of the 3 of us that I like. Thanks so much xxxxx
Id love to win the family photoshoot to get some beautiful images of my daughter and my newborn (due any day) in our new garden.
Hello, your work is beautiful. I’d love to win a family shoot as we have a new addition to our family and it would be lovely to have some photographs.
Gosh I’d love to win a family session. We have 6 month twins and a three year old- and barely any time to think let alone stop and record the
memories on film.
Hi! I’d love to win your lifestyle family photography prize! I have so few lovely family photos – and especially few of me and my son as my husband only ever takes photos with his iphone and has no concept of how to make a photo look nice! Framing or even zoom are an alien concept to him! I’d love a special photo shoot somewhere local that I love so that I have a record of the beautiful memories that we have made here as a family.
Stunning photos and a beautiful website to match! I would love to win the family photo session, to have some professional photos of my family of 3, before our 4th addition arrives later this year.
I am new to your website! The section with the babies is just melting. It looks beautiful and natural and I could just see my own baby, smiling to the camera. Would love to the dynamics with my lovely little girl as well. I think it would be an amazing and unforgettable experience, for all of us. Would really love to be a part of the family photo shoot please xx
Your new website looks fabulous!
I’d love to win the family photoshoot, my family is growing up fast and I’d like to capture us all together, before they disappear off on their own adventures.