Well, actually more about why I love making photographs for families. It's a pretty personal and emotional post coming up, though today is national Time to Talk day so it's allowed, right? Here it is... the reason I love making photos  A simple photo of myself and my...
Christmas Morning Photography Tips
Preparation The night before the big man arrives, make sure you've got everything prepared for the morning. Don't be caught out like I might have been that one time (ok, probably a few times!), charge your batteries and format your memory cards. Have a de-clutter too,...
6 Tips For Telling A Story – UK Family Photographery
Words fail me. A lot actually. I’m one of those emotional people that feels everything far deeper than is probably necessary. Sometimes words don’t come easily or quickly enough to convey what I want them to, and that can be frustrating for me. So it’s no surprise I became a photographer, a ‘visual storyteller’ if you will.
5 tips for taking better photos using your phone
As the old saying goes, the best camera you have is the one you have on you. I don't know about you but I certainly don't have my DSLR on me at all times. This doesn't mean we have to succumb to badly taken photos. It does mean that we have photos that are lower...
The Ultimate Photography Gift Guide
Photography gift Ideas – not just for Christmas!
What DSLR camera should I buy?
Advice on which camera to buy – 2015